Real Pashmina Identity-The Ring Test

Pashmina's Secret What people know about pashmina:There are some quality test that people are already aware


1) Ring Test: Pashmina shawls must pass through ring.The problem here is that many medium quality products can pass through the ring, but only a good one will pass really easily.


2) Burn Test: If you burn a little piece of the shawl it will smell like hair burning and what is left is just ash. With this test you will be able to distinguish between a wool/cashmere productand one made with synthetic fibre, which has aslightly chemical smell and when you blow out the flame, there will be a little hard particle left which stays attached to the fabric. This is a good test but cannot help the consumer to recognize a high quality product from a medium/good one, cause any kind of wool will smell that way.


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21 Sep 2014